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Intermezzo ... interlude ... positive reverse thinking

If WE were the BOSS
and Others become Staff

(footage of the work of Yosep Iswadi)
(Sources :,, etc.)

If the boss stays in his opinion, that means he is consistent
If the staff stays in his opinion, that means he is stubborn!

If the boss changes his opinion, that means he is flexible
If the staff changes opinions, that means he is wishy-washy!

If the boss works slowly, that means he is thorough
If the staff works slowly, that means he doesn't perform!

If the boss works fast, that means he is smart
If the staff works fast, that means he is in a hurry!

If the boss decides slowly, it means he is careful
If staff decides slowly, that means he is too late to think!

If the boss makes a quick decision,
that means he is brave enough to make a decision
If the staff makes a quick decision, that means he is reckless!

If the boss is too brave to take risks, that means he is risk taking
If staff are too brave to take risks, that means he is reckless!

If the boss does not dare to take risks, that means he is prudent
If the staff does not dare to take risks, it means he is not business minded!

If the boss passes the procedure pass, that means he is proactive-innovative
If the staff passes the procedure, that means he violates the rules!

If the boss is suspicious of a business partner, that means he is alert
If the staff is suspicious of a business partner, that means he is negative thinking!

If the boss declares it difficult, that means he is predictive-anticipatory
If the staff declares it difficult, that means he is pessimistic!

If the boss says it's easy, that means he is optimistic
If the staff declares it easy, that means he underestimates the problem!

If the boss often leaves the office, that means he is diligent to the customer
If staff often leave the office, that means he often drifts!

If the boss is often entertainment, that means he is diligent in lobbying the customer
If staff are often entertainment, that means he wasted budget!

If the boss often doesn't enter, it means he is tired because of hard work If the staff often doesn't enter, that means he is lazy!

If the boss asks for luxury facilities, that means he maintains the company's image
If the staff asks for luxury facilities, that means he is demanding!

........... and much more.

If the boss makes a post like this, that means he is humorous
If the staff makes writing like this, that means he:
jealous of someone else's career
negative thinking
line hurts
not hardiness
politics in the office
not in accordance with company culture

.......... and much morei

....... Ha ha ha ha ..........

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