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Forms & Questions - Psychotest

Analyze Proficiency 2

Psychological exercises B (Numerical, Arithmetic, and Analysis) abilities are intended to measure the ability to digest, analyze, and draw conclusions and measure the level of intelligence, accuracy, and accuracy of a person, in looking at the problem in an integrated (integrated), systematic, and comprehensive of various direction / angle / aspect / side.

Question Guide :
Choose one most appropriate answer based on some brief information provided. Then, the box in front of the question number, filled with letters a, b, c, or d as your answer choices. Do the easy first quickly and thoroughly. Time given 60 minutes. When it's 60 minutes, stop immediately.Then please click "See the Results (Answer Key)", and you will know the value / result, and the answers that are FALSE and TRUE. --- Good Practice ---

Please fill in the boxes below with letters a, b, c, or d

1. Reza played marbles and won 3 pieces. Then Reza played again and lost 6 pieces. If initially Reza had 12 marbles, how many marbles does Reza have now?
a. 21 marbles
b. 3 marbles
c. 9 marbles
d. 15 marbles

2. Ten years ago, Azari's age was a third of his present age. Fifteen years from now, the ratio between Hasan's age and Azari's age will be 3: 5. How many years will Hasan's age be 5 years old? coming?
a. 3 years
b. 4 years
c. 5 years
d. 8 years

3. CV. Laris factory provides coal to heat 6 boilers in 4 weeks. How long does it take for the factory to supply coal to heat 18 boilers?
a. 24 weeks
b. 14 weeks
c. 12 weeks
d. 3 weeks

4. In one catch, Rudi was able to get 8,100 good fish. 10% of his catch were bad fish. How many fish did Rudi catch?
a. 8,900
b. 9,100 head
c. 8,800 head
d. 9,000 head

5. How much will it cost to paint a wall that is 13 m long and 4 m high, if it costs Rp 4,500 per square meter?
a. Rp 204,000,-
b. Rp. 216.000,-
c. Rp. 223.000,-
d. Rp. 234,000,-

6. The execution of a particular task is divided into three parts and is carried out by 228 people. The first part is carried out by 1/3 of the number of people. The second part is carried out by 1/6 of the number of people. How many people? who did the third part?
a. 114 people
b. 112 people
c. 121 people
d. 116 people

7. If 6 ​​x 6 xt = 18 x 18, then t ?
a. 9
b. 98
c. 54
d. 108

8. Four porters load sand into a truck in 8 hours. How many coolies are needed to complete the work in 30 minutes?
a. 64 people
b. 65 people
c. 55 people
d. 70 people

9. From a group of children, 22 children enjoy reading, 28 children enjoy playing music, 20 children enjoy reading and also enjoy playing music. The number of children in the group is
a. 30 children
b. 40 children
c. 50 children
d. 60 children

10. The water pipe somewhere has 523 branches for the daily needs of customers. In one week the use reaches 88,910 liters of water. How many liters is the average used by each family in 1 week? week?
a. 17 liters
b. 160 liters
c. 170 liters
d. 70 liters

11. If A is divisible by 30 and 35, then A is also divisible by :
a. 8
b. 11
c. 21
d. 65

12. The price of 18 clothes is Rp. 540,000.00. The price of 2.5 dozen clothes is ....
a. Rp. 1,000,000.00
b. Rp. 900,000, 00
c. Rp. 800,000.00
d. Rp. 750,000.00

13. PT. Gilland Ganesha plans to make a cupboard and a table. The number of the two items is 24 pieces. The number of tables is 3 times the number of cabinets. How many tables will be made?
a. 16 table
b. 21 tables
c. 18 tables
d. 20 tables

14. If x rupiah is divided equally among n people and everyone gets an equal share of Rp. 63,000,-. Then someone comes to join the group above and if x rupiah is distributed evenly, then everyone now gets a share of Rp. 52,500, How much is x?
a. 300,000
b. 315,000
c. 350,000
d. 400,000

15. Paidi can read 1,548 words in 18 minutes. How many words can Paidi complete in 6 minutes?
a. 612 words
b. 532 words
c. 526 words
d. 516 words

16. The price of 8 notebooks and 6 pencils is Rp. 14,400.00. The price of 6 notebooks and 5 pencils is Rp. 11,200. The total price of 5 notebooks and 8 pencils is
a. Rp. 13,600
b. Rp. 12,400
c. Rp. 12,400
d. Rp. 11,600

17. If p - 3 = q + 3, then q - p = ?
a. 6
b. 1
c. -6
d. -1

18. A group of children playing with toy cars totaled 18. At that time 11 people brought racing cars, 8 people brought sedans, and 5 people did not bring toys at all. The number of children who brought the two types of cars are
a. 1 child
b. 6 children
c. 12 children
d. 14 children

19. Sarah received IDR 50,000 last week. One-tenth was used directly to buy laundry soap. The remaining one-third was used to pay for laundry services. The remaining two-sixth was used for shuttle fees. The remaining one-fourth was used to buy coffee and sugar. Sarah's remaining money now is ...
a. Rp. 15,000
b. Rp. 7,500
c. Rp. 10,500
d. Rp. 12,000

20. If r/3 is an even number, and r/6 is an odd number, which can be the value of r ?
a. 60
b. 18
c. 12
d. 24

21. A trader buys several packs of cigarettes for Rp. 60,000. Then he sells all the cigarettes again for Rp. 56,750, so the loss per pack is Rp. 50. How many packs did the merchant buy?
a. 65 packs
b. 70 packs
c. 75 packs
d. 80 packs

22. A confectionery company (candy) received an order from its customer for 100 confectionery balls. Each ball contains 10 packs, and each pack contains 20 packs. The price of 1 confectionery ball is Rp. 18.000,- For the purchase of 100 balls, you will get a 5% discount. If the subscription sells for Rp. 100,- per pack, how much profit will you get?
a. Rp. 190,000
b. Rp. 200,000
c. Rp. 210,000
d. Rp 220,000

23. A shop employs 3 times the number of employees last year. Last year's number of employees was 29, who left 3, and who entered 2 times the number of employees who quit. After that the number of employees did not change until now. What is the number of employees now?
a. 37 people
b. 96 people
c. 86 people
d. 76 people

24. Pak Sumawad prepares Rp. 750,000,- for the cost of digging a ditch measuring 2 meters long, 5 meters long and 4 meters deep. The excavation cost is Rp. 27,500,- per cubic meter So the condition of Mr. Sumawad's money is ?
a. The remaining Rp. 350,000,-
b. The remaining 125,000,-
c. Less than Rp. 50,000,-
d. Less than Rp. 350,000,-

25. If 5t - 0.5 t = 9, then what is the value of t ?
a. 0
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6

26. Toko Laris buys from Distributor CV. Flamboyan 1 box of cakes containing 30 boxes at a price of Rp. 9,500,- per box. Every purchase of 1 box gets 1 extra free 1 box. Toko Laris sells to the subscription is Rp. 10,000,- per box (without giving extra). How much profit does Toko Laris get for each box?
a. Rp. 24,000
b. Rp. 24,500
c. Rp. 25,000
d. IDR 25,500

27. A TV is sold at a 50% discount. How much percent must be added for resale so that the price becomes the price before the discount on the first sale?
a. 25%
b. 100%
c. 50 %
d. 200 %

28. A total of 2/3 of the ongoing training participants consist of men. As many as 1/4 of the training participants are unmarried women. If there are 3 women who are married, then how many training participants are is ?
a. 28 participants
b. 30 participants
c. 32 participants
d. 36 participants

29. Niko owes Basri Rp. 100. Chika owes Niko Rp. 115. If Basri gets Rp. 100 from Chika, and Chika gives Rp. 15 to Niko, then :
a . Chika still owes Niko
b. Niko still owes Basri
c. Basri still owes Chika
d. Answers a, b, and c are all wrong

30. If x = 1/16 and y = 16% then ....
a. x < y
b. x > y
c. x = y
d. x and y cannot be determined

31. Johan is a sales clerk. He earns a minimum weekly salary of Rp. 210,000,- and plus 10% commission on total sales over Rp. 3,000,000,- achieved during the week If Johan expects to earn Rp. 370,000,- for one week, what is the minimum amount of sales that must be achieved during the week?
a. Rp. 1,600,000
b. Rp. 3,700,000
c Rp. 4,600,000
d. Rp. 6,700,000

32. A book is rented for Rp. 1,000 for the first 3 days and for the following days Rp. 600 per day. If the renter of the book pays Rp. 11,800 for a book, how many days will the book be rented? ?
a. 24 days
b. 21 days
c. 20 days
d. 18 days

33. Toni is three times Sarah's age. Which is not true?
a. Sarah's age is now equal to one third of Toni's age.
b. Two years ago Their age difference is the same as their present age difference.
c. If Sarah's age is 12 years from now, it is 5/10 the sum of their ages, then Toni's age is now 20.
d. Toni's age will be double in 7 years. times Sarah's age.

34. Naufal scored 78, 86, 80, and 91 for four courses. How many grades must be obtained for the fifth course in order to get an average of 85 ?
a. 70
b. 75
c. 74
d. 72

35. Toko Flamboyan has sold 50 packs consisting of candy and bread wrappers. The price for one pack of candy is Rp. 100 and one pack of bread is Rp. 250.00. If the money received is Rp. 9,950, 00, then the number of loaves sold is:
a. 25 packs
b. 32 packs
c. 33 packs
d. 34 packs

36. A car has decreased in price by 40% and 20%, respectively. What is the total decrease in the price of the car?
a. 86%
b. 64%
c. 52%
d. 30%

37. Rika's age is older than Azhari. Meanwhile, Rahma's age is also older than Azhari, so:
a. 5 years ago Azhari's age was bigger than Rika's age.
b. Rika's age plus Azhari's age is greater than Rahma's age.
c. Rika's age plus Rahma's age is divided by two smaller than Azhari's age.
d. Rika and Rahma's age are the same age.

38. It takes 6 people 3 days to dig a ditch for a 2 km long excavation. How many people are needed if the excavation is to be completed in 1/2 day?
a. 18 people
b. 36 people
c. 9 people
d. 72 people

39. All seats on a bus are full and 5 people are standing. At the next stop 12 people get off and 6 people get on. How many seats are empty when all passengers have sitting ?
a. 1 seater
b. 2 seater
c. 4 seater
d. 5 seater

40. In one day there are five shifts of nurses in the hospital to help doctors. Each shift has the same number of nurses. Which of the following cannot be the number of nurses working that day?
a. 30 sisters
b. 52 sisters
c. 40 sisters
d. 45 sisters

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