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  1. Afrika Selatan
  2. Aland
  3. Albania
  4. Algeria - Aljazair
  5. Amerika Serikat - USA - 1
  6. Amerika Serikat - USA - 2
  7. Amerika Serikat - USA - 3
  8. Amerika Serikat - USA - 4
  9. Amerika Serikat - USA - 5
10. Amerika Serikat - USA - 6
11. Amerika Serikat - USA - 7
12. Amerika Serikat - USA - 8
13. Amerika Serikat - USA - 9
14. Amerika Serikat - USA - a
15. Andorra
16. Argentina
17. Armenia
18. Aruba
19. Australia
20. Austria
21. Azerbaijan
22. Belanda - Netherlands
23. Belarus
24. Belgium - Belgia
25. Belize
26. Bolivia
27. Botswana
28. Brazil
29. Bulgaria
30. Cambodia - Kamboja
31. Canada - Kanada
32. Cape Verde
33. Chile
34. China - RRC
35. Colombia - Kolombia
36. Croatia - Kroasia
37. Cuba - Kuba
38. Cyprus Republic - Siprus
39. Czech Republic - Ceko
40. Denmark
41. Dominican Republic - 1
42. Dominican Republic - 2
43. Ecuador - Ekuador
44. Egypt - Mesir
45. Estonia
46. European Union
47. Faroes
48. Fiji
49. Finland - Finlandia
50. France - Prancis - 1
51. France - Prancis - 2
52. Germany - Bayern
53. Germany - Berlin
54. Germany - Brandenburg
55. Germany - Bremen
56. Germany - Hamburg
57. Germany - Hessen
58. Germany - Niedersachsen
59. Germany - Nordrhein
60. Germany - Rheinland-Pfalz
61. Germany - Saarland
62. Germany - Sachsen
63. Germany - Sachsen-Anhalt
64. Germany - Schleswig
65. Germany - Thuringen
66. Germany - 1
67. Germany - 2
68. Germany - 3
69. Greece - Yunani
70. Greenland
71. Guatemala
72. Guernsey
73. Hong Kong - RRC
74. Hungary - Hungaria
75. Iceland - Islandia
76. India - 1
77. India - 2
78. Indonesia
79. Inggris - Great Britain
80. Inggris - Northern Ireland
81. Inggris - United Kingdom
82. Iran
83. Ireland - Irlandia
84. Israel
85. Italy - Italia
86. Jamaica - Jamaika
87. Japan - Jepang
88. Jordan - Yordania
89. Kazakhstan
90. Korea Republic - Selatan
91. Kyrgyzstan
92. Latvia
93. Lebanon
94. Lithuania
95. Luxembourg
96. Macau
97. Macedonia
98. Malawi
99. Malaysia
100. Malta
101. Mauritania
102. Mauritius
103. Mexico
104. Mongolia
105. Mozambique
106. New Zealand
107. Nicaragua
108. Norway
109. Pakistan
110. Palestine
111. Papua New Guinea
112. Paraguay - 1
113. Paraguay - 2
114. Peru
115. Philippines - 1
116. Philippines - 2
117. Philippines - 3
118. Philippines - 4
119. Poland
120. Polynesia - French
121. Portugal - 1
122. Portugal - 2
123. Portugal - 3
124. Portugal - 4
125. Portugal - 5
126. Romania
127. Russian Federation
128. Saint Lucia
129. Serbia
130. Seychelles
131. Singapore
132. Slovakia
133. Slovenia
134. Spain - 1
135. Spain - AndalucIa
136. Spain - Aragon
137. Spain - Canarias
138. Spain - Catalunya
139. Spain - Euskadi
140. Spain - Galicia
141. Spain - Madrid
142. Spain - Valencia
143. Sri Lanka
144. Sweden - Swedia
145. Swiss - 1
146. Swiss - Aargau
147. Swiss - Zurich
148. Taiwan - China
149. Thailand
150. Tunisia
151. Turkey - 1
152. Turkey - 2
153. Uganda
154. Ukraine
155. Uruguay
156. Venezuela
Statistics South Africa (Stats SA)
Statistics and Research Bureau (ASUB)
Albanian Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
National Office of Statistics
Economics and Statistics Adm. (ESA)
Bureau of the Census
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
National Center for Edu.Statistics (NCES)
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Federal Interagency Council on Statistical P.
Energy Information Administration (EIA)
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
National Agric. Statistics Service (NASS)
Department of Studies and Statistics (DEE)
National Inst.of Statistics & Census (INDEC)
National Statistical Service
Central Bureau of Statistics
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
Statistics Austria
State Statistical Committee
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)
Ministry of Statistics and Analysis
Institut National de Statistique (INS)
Central Statistical Office (CSO)
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE)
Central Statistics Office (CSO)
Instituto Brasileiro de Geog. Estat.(IBGE)
National Statistical Institute
National Institute of Statistics
Statistics Canada
Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE)
National Institute of Statistics
State Statistical Bureau
Dep. Adm. Nacional de Estadistica (DANE)
Drzavni Zavod za Statistiku (DZS)
Direccion Nacional de EstadIstica (DNE)
Statistical Service of Cyprus
Czech Statistical Office (CSU)
Statistics Denmark
National Office of Statistics
Oficina Nacional de EstadIstica (ONE)
Inst. Nacional de Estadistica Censos (INEC)
Central Agen.for Public Mobil.& Statistics
Statistical Office (Eurostat)
Statistics Faroes
Fiji Islands Statistics Bureau
Ins. National d Etudes Demog. (INED)
Bavarian State for Statistics and Data Proc.
Statistical State Office Berlin
Landesamt Datenv. und Statistik (LDS)
Statistical State Office Bremen
Statistical State Office
Hessian Statistical State Office (HSL)
Lower Saxonian State for Statistics (NLS)
State Office for Data Proc.& Statistics (LDS)
Statistical State Office Rhineland-Palatinate
Statistical State Office Saarland
Statistical State Office Sachsen
Statistical State Office Sachsen-Anhalt
Statistical State Office Schleswig-Holstein
Thuringian State Office for Statistics (TLS)
Statistical State Office
Statistisches Bundesamt (StBA)
Statistical State Office Baden-Wurttemberg
National Statistical Service of Greece
Statistics Greenland
Instituto Nacional de EstadIstica (INE)
Economics and Statistics Unit
Census and Statistics Department (C&SD)
Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal (KSH)
Statistics Iceland
Sankhyiki aur Kary.Karyanayan Mantralaya
Office of the Reg. General & Census Com.
Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Research D.& Statistics Direc.(RDS)
Northern Ireland Statistics - NISRA
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Statistical Centre of Iran
Central Statistics Office (CSO)
Central Bureau of Statistics
Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN)
Statistics Bureau & Statistics Center
Department of Statistics
Agency on Statistics
National Statistical Office
National Statistical Committee
Centrala Statistikas Parvalde
Administration Centrale de la Statistique
Statistikos Departamentas
Direccao d.Serv. Estatistica Censos (DSEC)
State Statistical Office
National Statistical Office (NSO)
Jabatan Perangkaan (JP)
National Statistics Office (NSO)
National Office of Statistics
Central Statistical Office (CSO)
Instituto Nacional de EstadIstica - INEGI
National Statistical Office
Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE)
Statistics New Zealand
Inst. Nacional de EstadIsticas Censos (INEC)
Statistisk Sentralbyra
Statistics Division
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
National Statistical Office (NSO)
Inst.Nac.de EstadIstica e Informatica (INEI)
National Statistics Office
Pamb.Lupon sa Ugnayang Pang-Estadistika
Bureau of Agricultural Statistics
Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics
Glowny Urzad Statystyczny (GUS)
Inst. of Statistics of French Polynesia (ISPF)
Instituto Nacional de EstatIstica (INE)
Regional Directorate of Statistics
Service of Statistics of the Azores Islands
Serv. Reg.de EstatIstica dos A. (SREA)
Comisia Nationala pentru Statistica (CNS)
State Committee on Statistics (Goskomstat)
Statistics Department
Savezni Zavod za Statistiku
Statistics and Database Administration
Department of Statistics
Statisticky urad
Statisticni Urad Republike Slovenije (SURS)
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE)
Instituto de EstadIstica de AndalucIa (IEA)
Instituto Aragones de Estadistica (IAE)
Instituto Canario de Estadistica (ISTAC)
Inst.d EstadIstica de Catalunya (IDESCAT)
Euskal Estatistika Erakundea (EUSTAT)
Instituto Galego de Estatistica (IGE)
Inst.de EstadIstica de la Com. de Madrid
Institut Valencia d Estadistica (IVE)
Department of Census and Statistics
Statistiska centralbyran (SCB)
Bundesamt fur Statistik (BFS)
Statistisches Amt Aargau
Statistisches Amt Zurich
Direc.General of Budget, Acc. & Statistics
National Statistical Office
National Institute of Statistics
State Institute of Statistics (DIE)
Adli Sicil ve Istatistik Genel Mudurlugu
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS)
State Committee of Statistics
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE)
Oficina Central de Estadistica e Inf. (OCEI)