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Daftar/Tabel -- wiki software

This is a list of notable wiki software applications. For a comparative table of such software, see Perbandingan -- wiki software. For a list of wikis, or websites using wiki software, see Daftar/Tabel -- wikis.


Standard wiki software


  • TiddlyWiki is a HTML/JavaScript-based server-less wiki in which the entire site/wiki is contained in a single file.
  • Lively Wiki is based on Lively Kernel and combines features of wikis and development environments. Users can create and edit application behavior as well as other content.


  • WikiWikiWeb, the first wiki and its associated software
  • Foswiki is a structured wiki, which enables users to create "wiki applications".
  • ikiwiki, a "wiki compiler" - can use Subversion or git as the back end storage mechanism.
  • TWiki is a structured wiki, typically used to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool. Also available as a VMware appliance.
  • UseModWiki (created by Clifford Adams in 2000) is a clone of AtisWiki.


  • DokuWiki is aimed at the documentation needs of a small company. It uses plain text files and has a simple but powerful syntax which ensures the datafiles remain readable outside the wiki.
  • MediaWiki was custom-designed for the high-volume Wikipedia encyclopedia website; it is also used for all other projects run by the Wikimedia Foundation, which operates Wikipedia. It is also publicly available for use in other wikis, and has widespread popularity among smaller, non-Wikimedia wikis.
  • PhpWiki is a WikiWikiWeb clone in PHP.
  • PmWiki is a PHP-based wiki. Features include: GPL-licensed, easy installation/customization, designed for collaborative authoring and maintenance of web sites, and support for internationalization. Does not require a database.
  • TigerWiki is a minimalist and simple wiki framework, that has been discontinued. It spawned a number of forks, all of which have been discontinued as well.
  • WakkaWiki is a now-defunct PHP/MySQL-based lightweight wiki engine, that notably spawned a large number of forks, including WackoWiki and WikkaWiki.
  • MindTouch is an open-source application that began as a fork of MediaWiki; it has a C# back-end and a PHP front-end.


Other languages

  • Cliki is written in Common Lisp.
  • FlexWiki was written in C#, uses the .NET Framework, and stores data in files or Microsoft SQL Server. The development stopped in 2009.
  • Gitit is a Happstack-based wiki server employing git or Darcs to manage wiki history, and the Pandoc document conversion system to manage markup - among other things permitting the inclusion of LaTeX mathematical markup.
  • ProjectForum is a self-contained wiki server for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, written in Tcl, C and C++.
  • Swiki is written in Squeak. It runs on common platforms, including Mac, Windows, Linux, as well as others.
  • Wagn is a Ruby on Rails application that can be used as a simple wiki, a database, a content management system, or a development platform.
  • Wiki Server is proprietary software distributed with Mac OS X Server.
  • XWiki is a Java-based wiki engine with a complete wiki feature set (version control, attachments, etc.) and a database engine and programming language which allows database driven applications to be created using the wiki interface.

Personal wiki software

  • WikidPad is a free, open source personal use (single-machine) wiki with native support of international characters (Unicode).
  • ConnectedText is a commercial Windows-based personal wiki system with features including full text searches, visual link tree, customizable interface, image and file control, CSS-based page display, exports to HTML and HTML Help, and plug-ins.
  • Zim is a free, open-source standalone wiki based on Python and GTK with a WYSIWYG editor.

Hosted-only software

Content management/social software with wiki functionality



  • Socialtext is an enterprise wiki and weblog engine partially derived from open-source Kwiki. Socialtext is available as a hosted service, or a dedicated hardware appliance.


Other languages

Project management software with wiki functionality

See also

External links

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Tags: List of wiki software, Informatika, Komputer, 464, Daftar/Tabel wiki software This is a list of notable wiki software applications, For a comparative table of such software see Perbandingan wiki software, For a list of wikis or websites using wiki software see Daftar/Tabel wikis, Contents Standard wiki software 1.1 JavaScript based 1.2 Perl based 1.3 PHP based 1.4 Python based 1.5 Other languages 2 Personal wiki software 3 Hosted only softwar, List of wiki software, Bahasa Indonesia, Contoh Instruksi, Tutorial, Referensi, Buku, Petunjuk pasar,
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1. STIE Widya Persada Jakarta - Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Persada Jakarta - Kampus :Jl. Hj. Tutty Alawiyah No.486, RW.5, Kalibata, Kec. Pancoran, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12740
2. UWIKA Surabaya - Universitas Widya Kartika Surabaya - Kampus UWIKA : Jl. Sutorejo Prima Utara II No.1, Kalisari, Kec. Mulyorejo, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60112
3. Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi Makassar - Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi Makassar - Kampus UTS Makassar : Jl. Talasalapang No.51A, Karunrung, Kec. Rappocini, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90222
4. Universitas Teknologi Nusantara - Universitas Teknologi Nusantara - Kampus UTN : Jl. Kedung Halang Pemda pangkalan II No.66, RT.01/RW.02, Kedunghalang, Kec. Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16158  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |